“The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.”
The Montessori Method
The Montessori classroom provides a prepared environment that encompasses all the child’s needs so that he is able to develop in a natural way.
Maria montessori
Montessori carries the name of its founder, Dr. Maria Montessori. She was the first female to graduate from the University of Rome with a medical degree. She believed that “the greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth.”
What is so remarkable about this woman and her method of teaching is that it arose from simply observing children. She noticed that these children were learning valuable skills through normal everyday activities.
Dr. Maria Montessori
How the Montessori Method is Applied in the Classroom:
Building skills through everyday activities is an outstanding match for the classroom setting. Children are encouraged to explore their environment at their own pace, with the opportunity to manage challenges using their own problem-solving skills.
These valuable lessons not only increase the child’s curiosity but it also teaches patience, concentration, inner strength, and self-control. Think of the exuberance a child radiates when he has finally overcome a challenge on his own. He has earned his self-respect, and the sense of confidence that develops is unmatched.
Benefits of Montessori Learning:
What children get out of their years in Montessori is an incredible sense of self-worth. They get a sense of their own ability to overcome challenges, master new skills, solve complex problems, and discover the value of competing a task well.
Children in Montessori schools also learn non-violence and conflict resolution. They become spiritually alive—in the highest sense of what that means. This is not simply a fear-based approach to religion but rather, an approach to living based on love and faith.
Lessons are designed to inspire in them a sense of awe and wonder. Children eventually learn that they are part of something bigger than themselves, without taking away their sense of personal empowerment and personal responsibility. We are engaged in teaching children to think deeply, to figure things out for themselves, and to be their own best teacher.